OPI Perth Ordinations 2005

OPI Perth Ordinations 2005

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This is a lovely collection of #photographs of the OPI Perth Ordinations conducted in 2005 at the AIDS Memorial Quilt Display and Art Exhibition at the Perth Concert Hall on the 16th October 2005.

Sr Slash of the Holy Gay Porn and Sr Mary-Jane Singleton of the Divine Green Weed became fully professed Black Veil Sisters of the Order of Perpetual Indulgence while the late Sr Bear Hairesy & Sr Sparkle of the Dark Light underwent Ordination to the Novitiate.

The Ordination was followed by a pilgrimage to the Murray Street Mall and the Beauty Bar at David Jones before a photo stop at Forest Chase before drinks at the Court Hotel with especially invited Members of the Gathered Faithful.

Below: This pdf is the Order of Service for the Ordination of Sisters of the OPI.

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