Pride Victoria 2008

Pride Victoria 2008

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Page Update: 18 June 2025. We've gone into the archives and a miracle has happened and the camera proof archives have been found and a set have been uploaded here. The images include not so perfect photos that contain folks who we think might want to be remembered even if they are a bit fuzzy. Enjoy! 

These are #photographs from Pride Victoria's March and After Party in 2008. The images are a set of curated camera proofs and so that means many of these images are being published by Fagmedia for the first time.

Astute readers will notice that the ordering of the archive appears to be a little bit haphazard and that is because it is! We've tidied up the file names a bit but the marrying of two archives the camera numbered as different events is the thing! 

Never mind by now we all should know not all marriages are successful. There are heaps of extra pictures to look at for free! The advantage of natural daylight is that the consistency of lighting makes the rate of return much higher than at night when dealing with flash and dim variable coloured lighting. 

2008 was the year the OutGames were held in Melbourne so there are some hunky swimmers and other athletes marching through these images. Keep an eye out on this site for Fagmedia's Outgames Archives.

Keep Smiling and Thank you for your Visit! Please Buy us a Coffee to Support our Community Work or Contact CADT Photography to Arrange to purchase a Print Sized Image. We can do signed printed images on paper or canvas too!

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