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Welcome to Fagmedia.org's new flagship website! It's currently going through a renovation so please have patience as we get the curtains hung! 

Our approach with this website is going to be Pretty & Shallow! Shallow and Pretty. For the sticklers and pedants, All our models were over the age of 18 at the time they were photographed!

We've got heaps of archive images that are going to be uploaded into our Gallery. They are a little bit rude in a classical Maplethorpe way rather than a sticky kind of mess.

Our images are for sale. You will be able to purchase large print size digital images from a curated menu and of course, we are always happy for people to buy us a coffee to help keep this show on the road.

Don't worry, We still have our health policy unit at Fagmedia.online where we will continue to publish work that is not shallow! Fagmedia is still the leading independent grassroots voice for Service Users & Health Policy Developers in Western Australia.

Fagmedia is proud to Sponsor the HIV Consumer Alliance of WA (HCAWA)

HIV and BBV Virus have a large impact upon People effected by the conditions. Long term survivors have a range of injuries from experimental substances along with side effects from current medications. Stigma, Discrimination and intra Community Bullying have huge impacts that results in complex trauma and the vast majority of grassroots people are unsupported by the outdated, toxic, PR driven NGOs. 

The HIV Consumer Alliance of WA is a Volunteer Peer to Peer Support Group that Welcomes People without discrimination, judgement or factional voting decision making processes. HCAWA recognises that HIV & BBV Virus Diagnosis is often associated with complex trauma from difficult life events. The Organisation is a friendly informal and private social group, not a pickup site, events are not held in public venues which serve alcohol and abusive behaviour or bullying is not tolerated.

Below: The images in the Gallery on this website include collections of historical archives, such as Pride London in 1990.

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Contact Us

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We don't like Spam, so we don't have a Contact Us Page form on this site. If you would like to contact us to make a genuine enquiry about our Photo Services then please contact us through CADT Photography's Contact us Page at www.caer-awen.org

In the meantime check out our gallery of images below:

These images of the Westside Observer are courtesy of the late Lorenzo Monti. Fagmedia's Memorial to Lorenzo, who was an Icon of the Perth Community can be seen here: https://fagmedia.online/photomedia-archive/vale-lorenzo-monti

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Photo Services & Copyright

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Copyright on Fagmedia photography is owned by CADT Photography / James Rendell and all rights are reserved! We require that a credit is given when reproducing our photographs in a not for profit setting. For Profit Organisations reproducing our Images are required to obtain a permission and the payment of a fee may be applicable.

Fagmedia offers a Personal Photography Service.

As one ages it becomes clear that our photographs contain the memories of our lives and so it's important to capture as many as you can while you are young and pretty. Looking at photos is like looking back and this reminds us of our journeys and the people we were or who were with us! It also helps to write their names on the photograph!

Professional Photographs can help to the mitigate trauma for folks through crafted images that highlight our good sides that show the bullies, who sew negativity by whispering about people being ugly etc, that they are wrong! 

Ultimately, because we're Pretty and Shallow, you spend a lot of time and money in the gym and dieting to make yourself look great. You deserve to have a collection of photographs that are a record of your hotness, even if they are only for you to look at, in the privacy of your own "big brother" spied upon, technology!

"We like to be as happy with the photographs as you are"

Groups, Individuals or Families etc can commission us to create a set of images of posed Portrait Photographs to provide a lasting memory of milestone events. We can work on location or at a home. We specialise in using natural lighting to produce classic images and we can produce black and white photographs for that timeless look displayed on the walls of your home. 

We prefer to undertake a needs assessment with clients to establish the boundaries and expectations before the event and this may include lighting and venue checks to ensure we are fully prepared. Our artisan approach means taking the time to ensure the image brief is met. Collecting the images required means we need to know in advance if the final images are to be printed or sized for splashing around social media or both.

Our packages are tailored to meet the needs of our clients and our fees are flexible. We do not charge by the hour, so we do not rush in and run around and disappear in a cloud of dust. Our fees are based around the time taken to create the images plus the time required to do editing of camera proofs that includes variables such as preparations for printing, colour touchups and resizings for social media.

We provide fee paying clients with a complete set of edited camera proofs and curate a gallery of the best images for your convenience and viewing pleasure. 

CADT Photography for Community Events for Organisations.

We understand that photographs are an important way to document community history and our media coverage is an important way to make sure after an event the issue is seen and heard by decision makers and influencers in the public policy making sector.

We do charge a fee to photograph arts festivals and cultural events run by large funded groups or for profit organisations.

Please note, we do not do candid photography at rallies or public events as we know it is important to obtain appropriate consent and our editing process smudges out the faces of background people to protect privacy.

We like to undertake photography in a relaxed and low stress environment ergo in these days we prefer to cover events where alcohol or other substances are not on the menu. We can do weddings but for health reasons we are not currently providing this service. We would be prepared to provide our image making skills at a Wedding for people who like our particular photography style, support our mission and wish to utilise our photography service in conjunction to the main event photographer.

More information can be obtained by contacting us through the Contact Us Page above

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Fagmedia is an Independent Media Organisation from Perth Western Australia, established in 2001 to provide a voice for the grassroots people and policy ideals which the toxic gatekeeper leadership community regard with puerile distain. Fagmedia's mission includes promulgating universal joy & expiating stigmatic guilt through education, advocacy and fact based reportage.

Fagmedia is not obligated by funding agreements or advertising contracts to support the usual coverups, corruption and PR propaganda presented as truth by our dear leaders. We're concerned about the big picture items that face the world. We recognise that above all of the work we do hangs the epidemic of corruption that is creating poverty through inflation.

The unaccountable class of rich people's "rules for thee but not for me" approach to everything from food to health care while using state power to enforce tyranny is the real epidemic undermining constitutional Magna Carta based governance that is the real threat to our democracy and freedom.

In our Local Community settings, there is a true banality of evil that exists in the class management and empty virtue signalling, along with "Exclusive Catering" that the pampered, privileged employee class of people display while cutting the support services of the most vulnerable. Charity seems to be about ensuring donations come with tax deductible receipts while ignoring the people, struggling to make ends meet on low incomes, who live among us.

Fagmedia is concerned that informed consent needs to be placed front and centre into medical settings and we firmly believe that coercion & bullying have no place in community groups. We are concerned that the LGB HIV & Trans Community Groups & “Good News Only” Organisations are knowingly ignoring the harm being done from Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

We do not believe that preventing harm from dangerous drugs can be managed simply by handing out free syringes. A more robust prevention strategy should be in place that requires Agencies to deliver diversionary programs for people who request help to reduce or stop using drugs. One doesn't need to be Einstein's Housemaid, to know that "drugs" are often found loitering at the scenes of Domestic Violence.

We believe AIDS Council Staff who breach client confidentiality should be sacked & the years of toxic leadership, bullying of clients and failing to meet Key Performance Indicators should end through a merger of the BBV & STI Sector into a centrally located State of the Art Perth Sexual Health Clinic and Community Hub for Advocacy and Support Groups.

It's time for the BBV & STI Industry to end the puerile virtue signalling that is being used to provide cover to protect perpetrators of violence who are a plague upon all people of good will. We also believe that persons who knowingly conspire to harm people in medical settings should be sent to jail and human & organ trafficking should deliver an automatic no appeal death penalty, to send a message to the wicked ones who hurt children and vulnerable people. 

In Our Lived experience in politics, it's clear that at the top there is no left or right and it's basically a group of rich connected people who are all in bed together in a UniParty of their own! The only people who are getting screwed are the grassroots people who do not have the weapons of mass distraction that come with the perks of high office.

We agree with Jimmy Dore and Peter Boykin from Gays for Trump USA that it is time for grassroots people of good will to organise on class lines in order to put an end to the war racket and end poor people's status as spare parts for rich people! #WeAreNotSpareParts.

About CADT Photography.

Fagmedia is owned by CADT Photography aka The Caer-Awen Discretionary Trust, Est in 1998, is a Family Owned and Operated Art Studio with an Interest in Health Policy, Culture and Community Development. 

James' Undergraduate Degree a Bachelor of Arts with a Double Major in Religious and English Studies from ECU. The academic practice in the Religious Studies Department was the phenomenology of religion including the the Abrahamic traditions and a focus on Research Methods, Psychology and Education. 

James completed a Post Graduate Diploma of Health Promotion at Curtin University in 1993 and has worked within the Health Policy, Research and Evaluation areas within the NGO and Charity Sectors. James was employed as a Health Promotion Officer with the Asthma Foundation of Victoria and a Research Assistant in the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Sydney.

James began a journey into Photography when in 1998 he was given a professional level Nikon film camera in exchange for some pretty groovy house furnishings when leaving the Emerald City aka Sydney.

After a few years of events and landscape photography, in 2002, James completed the Graduate Diploma of Communications (Photomedia) at Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Mt Lawley and was accredited as a Journalist with the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance. 

At university the focus was on film processing and the then emerging digital photography industry. James' Portrait image making is informed by the work of August Sander (Germany), Dorothea Lange (USA), Diane Arbus (USA), and Alfred Stieglitz (USA) while his landscapes are inspired by the work of the great Ansell Adams.

Upon graduation James invested in a Nikon D70 and embarked on a journey in making images of people and landscapes that involved travel as a photojournalist around Australia and overseas to Asia, Europe, South & North America and New Zealand where he completed the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at the English Language Academy at the University of Auckland.

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