Connections NC Perth 1 2007

Connections NC Perth 1 2007

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These are a collection of edited camera proof #Photographs from Connections Night Club in Perth that were taken on the 18 April 2007.

Now unusually, for photographs that we're giving away for free, we've swished a few of these images through "photoshop" and given some of our faves a quick colour correct. Yes, we've always had faves and that is why some people get more love in the Editing room than others do! 

We're thus instead of hitting the delete button which James seems very fond of doing this time we're including the show photographs, which may appear to be covered in Connies smoke, because the little bit of colour correcting we have done, suggests there are some viable images underneath the smoke and we think that the lady in the image, at the very least, may want copies for her grandchildren!

Ur welcome! Remember to Keep Smiling and follow @JamesRendell17 on X!

Above: n.b. 64 is when the people pix start after the show pix!



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